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This is my air raid siren project, built in the woodroom at the Invention Studio at Georgia Tech. I came up with the siren out of a desire to simply use the amazing woodroom I now had available to me, so I went online and searched for cool woodworking websites. I found this one, made by a guy who has done many projects. One of them was an air raid siren, and I thought that was really cool. So, I estimated the parts in AutoCAD, cut them out of plywood using a waterjet, and glued them together in the woodroom. However, before I did all of this, I had to find a motor to use. In the video, the motor was pretty big and powerful (~1100 Watts) and had a nice shaft that the siren could slide onto. I realized that I had an extra motor from my go-kart project, as the first two sets of motors were too weak to run the kart. I had a 500 Watt motor, so during a trip home I took it and flew it back from north Florida where I live to Georgia Tech. TSA checked my bag, as the motor probably wasn’t a usual thing that they came across. When I retrieved the motor, I attached it to the siren and did some testing. Initially, the siren was too loose on the motor shaft, so I put some paper on the shaft as a shim to add more friction, and it worked! In the video below, you can hear the great sound it produces. I am very happy with it!